Information for YYO Families
Ypsilanti Youth Orchestra
2024-25 Season Calendar for Families
All YYO activities will meet on the following dates unless otherwise noted. Please reserve the hours of 8:30 AM-11:30 AM on Saturday mornings until you receive your class schedule.
Community Days (November 2, 2024 & February 15, 2025)- We will offer special community-building activities for YYO students and families in attendance.
Fall 2024 Term:
9/14 - Orientation/ Instrument Petting Zoo
9/21- First Day of Classes
10/12 - Holiday Closure- No Classes
11/2 - Community Day
11/30- Holiday Closure- No Classes
12/7 - Last Day of Fall Term
12/8 - YYO Informance & Exhibition 2024. WCC Morris Lawrence Building (Towsley Auditorium). 4:00 PM.
Spring 2025 Term:
2/1 - Classes Cancelled
2/8 - First Day of Spring Term
2/15 - Community Day (tentative) - Classes cancelled due to inclement weather
3/ 29 - Spring Break-No Classes
5/3- Last Day of Spring Term
5/4 - Spring Showcase
Absence Notification Form- Click HERE to report a student’s absence.
Class Location & Mode of Instruction:
All classes are offered in-person.
Rehearsal Site: 510 Emerick Street, Ypsilanti 48198
Family Involvement
We ask that parents/guardinas of beginner students attend class with them sitting with the students and engaging with them as they participate in class.
Parents/Guardians who have more than one beginner student in YYO classes may rotate between their students’ classes.
Families may sign up for volunteer opportunities throughout the season at the following link: 2024-25 Volunteer Signup. Volunteer opportunities include: Helping with set-up/take-down on Saturday mornings, serving on our board or committees, helping with fundraising, and helping with publicity.
YYO families are welcome to connect with each other through our private Facebook group, Ypsilanti Youth Orchestra Parents, Guardians, and Family Sponsors | Facebook.
Instruments & Music Stands
YYO exists to provide students with access to music education. For some families, the inability to obtain an instrument is a barrier to that access. If a family needs assistance obtaining an instrument, there are resources in our community that we can recommend..
Instrument options: Students may bring their own instruments and music stands, rent instruments from a retailer, or request to borrow a YYO instrument/music stand (based on availability). A list of local retailers is available HERE.
Students may only borrow one (1) YYO instrument at a time. We ask that you and your family be extra careful and loving of the instrument!
We strive to make every available instrument accessible to students who need them. We ask families who can rent or purchase an instrument to consider those options before requesting to borrow a YYO-issued instrument. This will allow YYO to make more instruments available for families who cannot rent or purchase an instrument.
Class instructors will advise families when students are ready to begin working with instruments and music stands
Students registered for Lil’ Drummers will need a drum pad and sticks.
Students enrolled in Do-Re-Migos will not need an instrument for their class.
Our partner organization, Ypsilanti Community Schools, requires us to provide Pre-Placement Instruction to all YYO students and families before they can attend classes in YCS buildings. We provide this instruction in our registration form and through our Parent Orientation. YYO families are expected to respect YCS building policies while in the building.
Update to our COVID Protocols: Masks are optional. Contact tracing is no longer required.